Hoenes del Pinal, Eric

Hoenes del Pinal, Eric
Ph.D. University of California, San Diego (2008)
B.A. Boston University (1997)
Areas of Research Interests:
Indigenous people of Latin America; global Christianity; the politics of language; religion and ritual
Current Research:
Dr. Hoenes del Pinal’s current research focuses on the role of language and non-verbal forms of communication in driving religious and social change among Q’eqchi’-Maya Catholics in Guatemala. He examines how congregational differences between Mainstream and Charismatic Catholics are constituted through discourse, how each group’s distinct ritual practices ground their members’ religious experiences, and the stakes that differing forms of religiosity have for people’s social identities and models of cultural citizenship.
Select Publications
“Notes on a Maya Apocalypse: Eschatology in the Guatemalan Civil War.” The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue 8: 18-28. February 2012.
“Towards an Ideology of Gesture: Gestures, Body Movement and Language Ideology among Q’eqchi’-Maya Catholics.” In Beyond Logos: Extensions of the Language Ideology Paradigm in the Study of Global Christianity(-ies),” Special Section of Anthropological Quarterly 84 (3): 595-630. Summer 2011.
“How Q’eqchi’-Maya Catholics Become Legitimate Interpreters of the Bible: Two Models of Religious Authority in the Giving of Sermons.” In The Social Life of Scripture: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Biblicism. James Bielo, ed. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pg. 80-99. 2009.